2023 Rio Hill Pool Season !
Click the link below for a printable rules and registration form:
Pool Rules 2023 (1) Pool Registration 2023
2023 Pool Rules and Regulations
- Pool Hours are 11:00am till 7:00pm, Tuesday through Sunday.
The pool is CLOSED on MONDAYS except when a holiday falls on a Monday (i.e.- Memorial Day or Labor Day). In this case, it would be open on Monday and closed on Tuesday. The pool may be closed for inclement weather, mechanical and/or other operation difficulties.
The pool will officially open May 29, 2023. The last day for the pool season will be September 4, 2023.
- No person(s) will use the pool unless it is officially open, and the attendant is on duty. Anyone in the pool area when the pool is closed will be considered trespassing, MAY BE BANNED FROM THE POOL FOR THE 2023 SEASON and/or BE IN VIOLATION OF LEASE TERMS.
- The pool is provided and maintained exclusively for the use of the residents. Guest(s) will be admitted provided that the resident is with them at all times but limited to two (2) individual guest(s) per household. All guests must be accompanied by a lease holder and the lease holder must remain at the pool with the guest(s). There will not be a charge for your guests.
- No admittance will be given to anyone under the influence of alcohol or any other drug. Smoking is not permitted in the pool area at any time.
- The Health Department Regulations require all swimmers to shower before entering the pool. To keep filtration systems in good condition, please be especially careful to wash off all tanning products and other oils. Be sure to place a beach towel on the lounge chairs to prevent staining of the chairs. Admission will be refused to all persons having an infectious disease, sore or inflamed eyes, coughs, nasal or ear discharges, or any known communicable diseases.
- Occupants of the apartment must be at least 16 years of age to enter the pool area without having to be accompanied by a lease holder. Occupants that can enter the pool without a lease holder cannot bring their younger siblings to the pool area without an occupant who is at least 18 years of age. Occupants 15 and under must be accompanied by a resident who is at least 18 years of age.
- All residents and guests must always wear proper swimming attire in the swimming pool and on the pool deck. Any household member in diapers must have on a swim diaper. Cut offs or thong bathing suits are prohibited.
- None of the following will be allowed in the pool area at any time: pets, floats (except for flotation devices such as small rings, life jackets, and/or arm flotations), glass wear of any type, beach balls, toys, inflatable mats, or rafts as they create safety hazards.
Food – please use picnic areas provided, and ensure all trash is properly disposed in a property trash can.
- All persons using the pool must agree to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and always be courteous to others. No obscene language, screaming, running, dunking, roughhousing, or drinking alcohol will be allowed. NO DIVING. ANY VIOLATON OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS WILL ENTITLE MANAGEMENT TO BAN OR REVOKE THE RESIDENT AND/OR GUEST USE OF THE POOL FOR A PERIOD OF TIME DEEMED NECESSARY TO PREVENT REOCCURANCE OF VIOLATION.
- Volume on portable radios, CD players or tape players should be kept to a minimum to not disturb others. Loud music and/or any music containing profanity is not permitted.
- Removal of pool furniture is prohibited. Please do not move pool furniture. The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible party.
- Residents are responsible for the actions of your guest(s). Pool facilities are SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK. A competent swimmer MUST accompany all persons who are not able to swim by themselves and/or using flotation devices.
The use of the pool and pool area shall be subject to such other Rules as may be posted from time to time. The pool attendants may make decisions or determinations deemed necessary for a healthy pool environment. Please always provide the pool attendants with your full cooperation. Keep in mind; all areas are monitored by video surveillance.
All residents and any other persons using the pool, pool area, and other recreations facilities and equipment do so at their own risk. The management accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of life, limb, or property. Residents and their guests agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners and Management Company.
The pool is for your enjoyment; please keep the pool area neat and clean. Place all trash in receptacles provided. Observe the rules at all times; they are for your safety and protection.
Enjoy the pool and have a wonderful summer!!!!
Signatures required for ALL household members 18 and over.
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