Category: Uncategorized
Two Bedroom Apartments Available TODAY!
Move into one of our beautiful two bedroom apartments, with approved application! Apartments Are Ready For YOU to make Rio Hill Your New Home!
Electronic Payments for Rio Hill Residents
Dear Valued Residents, Rio Hill Apartments will begin phasing out physical rent checks and money orders to the office. What does this mean for you? No rent payments will be accepted at the Office in the forms of CHECK, MONEY ORDER or CASHIER CHECK. Cash is still not accepted at the Office. Effective JANUARY 01, 2024: Rio…
Dear Valued Residents! MidSouth our roofing contractor will be on-site making repairs to your building starting Monday, May 15, 2023, and potentially continuing until Monday, May 22, 2023, weather permitting. We ask during these days, Monday, May 15 – Monday, May 22, 2023, all vehicles park in visitor parking. Please do…
2023 Rio Hill Pool Season !
Click the link below for a printable rules and registration form: Pool Rules 2023 (1) Pool Registration 2023 2023 Pool Rules and Regulations Pool Hours are 11:00am till 7:00pm, Tuesday through Sunday. The pool is CLOSED on MONDAYS except when a holiday falls on a Monday (i.e.- Memorial Day or…